This is how my Tarot journey began.

Tarot cards are deceptively simple, but surprisingly rich.

Sarishma Dangi
3 min readJan 27, 2020

A simple incident led me to discover their wisdom.

I was out to visit a friend once. We were just sitting and I happened to wander through their library.

Stacks and stacks of books always whisper to me and personally I have never ignored those whisperings.

This time I happened to find a box which was something new and interesting. When I took it out, it was a tarot deck “Da Vinci Tarot”. I grew excited and started to jump around the house asking

“Who knows how to read tarot? Who know how to read them? Please speak up”.

Someone from the other room replied and I went straight to him.

Getting to know about your future is thrilling and I was determined to get those cards read at that very moment.

“Bhaiya” as I call him which means the elder brother.

Bhaiya asked me to open the box and take out the cards. I opened it as a sacred tool with so much honesty. There was a book and some cards in it. Then he verbally ordered me to shuffle the cards. I did that too and took out a card from the deck.

